{{ 'fb_in_app_browser_popup.desc' | translate }} {{ 'fb_in_app_browser_popup.copy_link' | translate }}

{{ 'in_app_browser_popup.desc' | translate }}

{{ (item.variation.media ? item.variation.media.alt_translations : item.product.cover_media.alt_translations) | translateModel }} {{ (item.variation.media
                    ? item.variation.media.alt_translations
                    : item.product.cover_media.alt_translations) | translateModel
{{ 'product.bundled_products.label' | translate }}
{{ 'product.bundle_group_products.label' | translate }}
{{ 'product.buyandget.label' | translate }}
{{ 'product.gift.label' | translate }}
{{ 'product.addon_products.label' | translate }}
{{ field.name_translations | translateModel }}
  • {{ childProduct.title_translations | translateModel }}

    {{ getChildVariationShorthand(childProduct.child_variation) }}

{{ 'product.set.open_variation' | translate }}
  • {{ getSelectedItemDetail(selectedChildProduct, item).childProductName }} x {{ selectedChildProduct.quantity || 1 }}

    {{ getSelectedItemDetail(selectedChildProduct, item).childVariationName }}

{{item.quantity}}x HK$0 {{ item.unit_point }} 點
{{addonItem.product.cover_media.alt_translations | translateModel}}
{{ 'product.addon_products.label' | translate }}
{{addonItem.quantity}}x {{ mainConfig.merchantData.base_currency.alternate_symbol + "0" }}




1. 一般條款

1.1. yellowbus.shoplineapp.com「黃巴士網購商場」(本網站)之購物條款及細則(稱「本條款及細則」)中,「本公司」或「我們」是指一口田有限公司(註冊地址:香港黃竹坑道65號志昌行中心25B及其附屬或關聯公司之業務,而「客戶」或「你」是指任何在我們訂購貨品的個人、機構或公司。請在使用本網頁或我們鏈接到的其他網站(下稱「網購商場」)之前仔細閱讀本條款及細則。閣下通過使用或通過我們的網購商場或其任何部分下訂單,即表示同意閣下已閱讀本條款及細則,並且接受和同意受本條款及細則所約束。如果你不同意條款和條件,請不要下訂單。

1.2. 我們會盡力確保網購商場上所列載的貨品價格、資料和大小型號均已更新。我們保留可隨更改貨品價格的權利無需作另行通知。在我們的網購商場中顯示的所有產品價格均不包運費。請參考每個訂單的相關送貨費用,該費用將包含在應付款項中。

1.3. 本文中指定的條款以及網購商場中的詳細信息不構成要約,而應視為邀請。 你與我們雙方於任何貨物任何合同僅在我們接受你的訂單後才落實。我們可根據存貨供應,全權決定是否接受所有訂購。雙方之間的商品購買合同只會在我們向你發送「貨確認書」後生效。

1.4. 我們保留隨時從網購商場撤回任何商品和或刪除或更改網購商場中任何商品材料或成分的權利。所有訂單須視乎相關貨品的供應情況再作最後確認。倘若我們未能提供任何已訂購之產品,我們有權拒絕接受該訂單。如果我們不接受你的訂單,但是已經從你的帳戶中扣除了款項,該款項將全額退還。對於我們從網購商場中撤回的任何商品(無論是否已出售)、刪除或更改的任何商品材料或成分,或拒絕處理或接受的訂單,我們對你或任何其他第三方概不承擔任何責任。。

1.5. 商品圖片只供參考,最終貨品包裝或會與圖片有所出入。

1.6. 保向我們提供準確的電話、電子郵件和郵政地址和或其他聯繫資料,並同意我們可以在必要時使用該資料與你聯繫。如果你未能向我們提供所有必要的資料,我們將無法完成你的訂單。通過網站訂購,你保你已達到香港特別行政區法律規定的法定年齡,並且具有簽署具有約束力的協議的法律能力,並且你對本網站中所有信息的真實性負全部責任。


2. 保障私隱

2.1. 為致力保障你的個人資料的私隱權利,我們確保在收集、使用、保留、轉移及查閱個人資料方面的政策及常規,均符合香港法例第486章個人資料私隱)條例的規定。


3. 付款方式

3.1. 網購商場接受我們所指定的PayPal帳戶、信用卡、扣帳卡或其他指定的電子支付方式作為你的付款渠道,所有貨品之價值均以港幣計算。網購商場的貨品價格以訂購當時網購商場示之價格為準。

3.2. 所有網上訂購的貨品須最終由我們全權決定並根據存貨供應而是否將於收取貨品時收到最終的送貨收據以作記錄。


4. 其他

4.1. 供貨的基礎:我們僅向最終消費者銷售和運送產品。我們不會接受轉售用途。如果我們有合理的依據認為購的產品並非作為自用,我們有權拒絕或取消你的訂單。

4.2. 不可抗力:我們倘若由於不可抗力的原因(包括由於天災、火災、水災、意外、暴亂、戰爭、政府政策、禁運、罷工、勞動困難、設備故障或任何我們不能控制的情況)而未能準確地提供閣下所需的產品或服務,我們均不會向使用者或任何第三者承擔任何責任。

4.3. 未得我們發出書面同意之前,你不可將本條款及細則的任何權利及責任以分配、轉送或任何其他形式轉讓給任何其他人等。

4.4. 若本條款及細則其中任何條款被解釋為非法或無效,該等條款將被忽略但影響本條款及細則其他條款的合法性、有效性及可執行性。

4.5. 本條款及細則包含了雙方的全部協議,其亦取替所有之前之商議、聲言、共識及協議。

4.6. 我們有權隨時修改所有或本條款及細則下的任何條款而不向作預先通知。修改後的條款及細則將發佈在我們的網站上自動即時生效。

4.7. 如有任何爭議,我們保留最終的決定權。

4.8. 本條款及細則的中文譯本僅供參考之用,倘若中文或其他語文與英文之文義有異,應以英文原文為準。

4.9. 本條款及細則將按照中華人民共和國香港特別行政區法律詮釋,而你同意雙方同樣受香港法院所管轄。


5. 貨服務

5.1. 你同意委託我們的外判送貨承辦商作為你的送貨代理人,並以你的名義收集和運送所訂購的貨物到指定收貨地址。本公司委托順豐速遞有限公司或其關聯公司提供送貨服務。有關外判送貨承辦商送貨的服務範圍及收費,條款及細則,請參閱相關公司或以下的網頁,本公司並不涉及其中事宜。


5.2. 國際配送服務的客戶需負責確保產品可以合法進口到目的地並需要負責支付目的地國家/地區徵收的進口稅、關稅和其他費用。這些費用會在貨件抵達客戶國家/地區時徵收。客戶必須自行負責支付通關時可能發生的額外費用,本公司無法控制此等費用,也無法預測其金額。由於關稅政策各地不相同,請聯絡當地海關辦公室以獲得更多資訊。如果客戶需要進行通關程序,可能會比原本預計的配送時間有所延遲,本公司將不會為延誤負責。


6. 換貨及退款

6.1. 客戶發現產品損壞,缺陷與購買合同中的規定不符,請及時聯絡本公司與我們的工作人員聯繫,盡快提供貨物和缺陷的細節,並安排退回貨物進行檢查(如果需要)。如含有電子配件的產品,請參閱隨該產品發送的「保證」。收到你退回的貨物後,我們將對其進行徹底檢查,並在合理期限內通知你作為更換或退款安排(如適用)。本公司有決定修理或更換產品之絕對權利。

6.2. 在接受產品修理或更換之前,請向我們出示購物收據正本或相關的電子收據「保證」正本(如適用)。

6.3. 貨品必須與所有購買時所附送之贈品一併退還。

6.4. 本條款不影響你根據現行法律法規所享有的合法權利。


7. 其他

7.1. 直至顧客清付購買產品之全部款項,我們將保留有關產品之物權,而相關之物權及風險將於有關產品交付送貨員時轉移至顧客。

7.2. 無論在任何情況下,你因與我們之間的交易而引致任何收入損失(不論直接或間接)、利潤或任何間接或後遺損失,我們概不負責。






















1.1. Inthese terms and conditions (“Terms and Conditions”) for yellowbus.shoplineapp.com “Yellow Bus Online ShoppingMall”, “we” or “us” means SeedlandInternational Limited(registered at 25B, Gee Chang Hong Centre, 65 Wong Chuk Hang Road, Hong Kong) andits affiliated companies and the “customer” or “you” means any person, firm,company or body which places an order with us. Please read these terms andconditions carefully before using our website or other websites we are linkedto (“our online shopping mall”). By placing an order using or through ouronline shopping mall or any part of it, you agree that you have read theseTerms and Conditions and that you accept and agree to be bound by them. Pleasedo not place an order if you do not agree with the Terms and Conditions.

1.2. Weshall make all reasonable efforts to ensure that prices, details and sizes ofproducts at our online shopping mall are up-to-date. Prices are subject tochange from time to time without prior notice. Allprices displayed for the products on our online shopping mall are exclusive ofdelivery charges. Please refer to the relevant delivery charges for each order.

1.3. Information specified herein and details on our online shopping mallshall not constitute an offer, but an invitation to treat. Any contract betweenyou and us in respect of any goods shall only come into effect after your orderhas been accepted by us. All orders are subject to our acceptance at our sole discretion andstock availability. The contract between both partiesfor the purchase of goods will take effect only after we have sent you a“Delivery Confirmation”.

1.4. We reserve the right to withdraw any goodsfrom our online shopping mall and/or remove or edit any materials or content onour online shopping mall at any time. Allorders are subject to confirmation of final availability and we reserve theright to not accept any order in the event that any of the products or servicesrequested are unavailable. If we did not accept yourorder but the payment has already been deducted from your account, the paymentwill be fully refunded. We will not be liable to you or any other third partyfor our withdrawal of any goods from our online shopping mall (whether it hasbeen sold or not), removal or editing of any content on our online shoppingmall, or refusal to process or accept an order after we have sent you an “OrderConfirmation”.

1.5.Photographs of the products are provided for reference only. Exact appearances(such as colour and packaging) of the actual products may differ.

1.6. Youpromise to provide us with accurate telephone number, email and postaladdresses and/or other contact information, and confirm that we can contact youusing such information when necessary. We will be unable to complete your orderif you fail to provide us with all necessary information. By placing an orderwith us, you warrant that you have reached the legal age specified by laws ofthe Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and are legally capable of signinga binding agreement, and that you are fully responsible for the authenticity ofall information in your order.


2.Privacy protection

2.1. Weare committed to safeguarding the privacy of individuals with respect topersonal data. We therefore make sure that our policies and practices inrelation to the collection, use, retention, transfer and access of personaldata comply with the requirements of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance(Chapter 486) under the laws of Hong Kong.



3.1. Ouronline shopping mall accepts payment by PayPal, designated credit cards, debitcards or other designated electronic means as specified by us. All productprices listed are in Hong Kong dollars. The applicable price shall be the pricelisted in our online shopping mall as at the time of purchase.

3.2.Acceptance of orders is subject to our sole discretion. A delivery note will beissued to you when goods are delivered to your address, or goods are collectedat our office.



4.1.Basis of supply: We only serve and deliver products to end consumers. We arenot selling our products for re-sell purpose. If we have grounds to believethat you are not purchasing our products as an end user, we reserve the rightto decline or cancel your order.

4.2.Force majeure: We shall not be liable for any delay or failure to performcaused by or resulting from any acts of God, fire, flood, accident, riot, war,government intervention, embargoes, strikes, labour difficulties, equipmentfailures, or any other causes beyond our control.

4.3. Youshall not assign, novate or otherwise transfer any of your rights andobligations under these Terms and Conditions to any other third party withoutour prior written consent.

4.4. Ifany provision of these Terms and Conditions shall be construed to be illegal orinvalid, they shall be removed from these terms and it shall not affect thelegality, validity and enforceability of the other provisions of these Termsand Conditions.

4.5.These Terms and Conditions embody the entire agreement between the parties andthey supersede all previous negotiations, representations and agreement betweenthe parties.

4.6. Wehave the right to revise or amend all or any of the provisions under theseTerms and Conditions, at any time without prior notice. Our revisions and amendments of these Terms and Conditions will comeinto effect automatically after they have been published on our website.

4.7. Ifany dispute arises, our determination shall be final.

4.8.Where these Terms and Conditions are available in other languages, the Englishversion is the governing version and shall prevail whenever there is adiscrepancy between different versions.

4.9.These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by the laws of the Hong KongSpecial Administrative Region and AESL and you agree to submit to the exclusivejurisdiction of the Hong Kong courts.


5. Deliveryservice

5.1. Youagree to appoint our contracted courier as your agent to collect and deliverthe ordered goods on your behalf to the designated delivery address. We suggestSF Express Co., Ltd. or its affiliated companies to provide delivery services.For the delivery service scope, charges and terms and conditions of eachcontracted courier, please refer to the relevant companies or the followingwebpage, we are not involved in any way or form.


5.2. Customersthat request for international shipment are responsible for assuring theproduct can be lawfully imported to the destination and may be subject toimport taxes, customs duties and fees levied by the destination country.Additional charges for customs clearance must be fulfilled by the customers. We haveno control over these charges, nor can we predict what they may be. Customspolicies vary widely; you should contact your local customs office for moreinformation. When customs clearance procedures are required, it may causedelays beyond the original delivery estimates. We will not be responsible forany such delays caused.


6.Exchange and refund

6.1. Forproducts purchased which are damaged, faulty or are otherwise defective orinconsistent with the provisions in the contract of purchase, please contactour staff promptly to provide details of the goods and the defect and to makearrangement to return the goods for inspection (if required). For products withelectronic components, please refer to the “Warranty Card” that accompanieseach order.

Uponreceipt of the goods returned by you, we will inspect it thoroughly and notifyyou whether you are entitled to a replacement or refund (if any) within areasonable period. We have the absolute discretion to elect whether to repairor replace any defective products.

6.2 Anycustomer seeking any product repair or replacement must provide the originalcopies of (1) the “Warranty Card” and (2) the product invoice or relevantelectronic receipt.

6.3. Allgift items which accompanied the original purchased product(s) must be returnedtogether with the returned product(s).

6.4 Theprovisions hereof will not affect your legal rights under any laws andregulations in force.



7.1.Title to the product shall remain vested in us until we receive full payment ofthe price. Title and risk shall pass to the customer upon collection of theproduct by the relevant delivery channel.

7.2. Weshall under no circumstances be liable for any loss (whether direct orindirect) of revenue, loss of profits or any indirect or consequential losswhatsoever suffered, sustained or incurred by you or by other person arising(directly or indirectly) out of the sale and purchase transaction with you.



Versionlast updated: 15 July 2020